Land Surveyors are highly trained, skilled professionals who may:
- Layout high-rise buildings, roads and freeways, residential developments, dams, waterways, pipelines, airports, underground tunnels, and commercial and industrial developments
- Do specialized work; boundaries, ALTA surveys, subsidence monitoring and hydro graphic surveys;
- Perform inspections, evaluate and check the slopes and grade of the Earth
- Work near; cranes, trucks, heavy earth moving equipment and vehicles.
- Work with computers, robotic instruments, GPS, scanners and drones.
Land Surveyors must be physically able to perform rigorous work and be willing to accept as a normal part of the job…
- Dirty, sometimes dangerous, conditions
- Uncomfortably hot or cold weather
- Work underground, in high places, and in close quarters
- Long drives to job sites in remote areas and irregular hours
- Lifting and walking and hiking and performing physical work
- Despite the downside, thousands of Land Surveyors will attest the rewards of this work far outweigh its discomforts.
Land Surveying training consists of an intensive work-study Apprenticeship Program which combines on-the-job experience and classroom instruction. There is no monetary cost to the apprentice for this training, but there is a high expectation that each apprentice will bring to his or her work day…
- Commitment and self-discipline
- A desire to be the best at our trade
- An understanding that we keep good union contractors in business by doing a better job than anyone else they can hire.
- An awareness and understanding of the hazardous nature of the work and healthy regard for safety.
Land Surveyors are covered by collective bargaining agreements between Local 12 of the International Union of Operating Engineers and signatory contractors. These agreements provide good wages, safe working conditions, and excellent benefits. There are different wage scales for apprentices and journey person workers.
- Beginning apprentices earn forty two percent (42%) of journeyman scale. Wage increases are received upon successful completion of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction.
- Journeyman Land Surveyors can expect to earn approximately above $45.00 per hour.
- Wages vary per work classification.
- Apprentices, as well as journeymen, are covered by medical and dental insurance, holiday and vacation pay, a pension plan, and other benefits upon qualification in accordance with established trade agreements.
Job Classifications:
- Apprentice A through G
- Chainman
- Instrumentman
- Party Chief
- Certified Party Chief
- California L.S. Party Chief