Entrance Exam

Applicants should focus on reviewing fundamental mathematical skills, such as algebra, geometry, and basic arithmetic. It’s recommended to explore available resources to ensure readiness. For detailed information about exam content, requirements, and procedures, please refer to the specific guidelines below.
Entrance Exam
The written entrance examination consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that test the applicant’s ability to perform basic mathematical problems (50 questions). Applicants are given two (2) hours to complete the examination. Applicants are not required to possess any knowledge of the various Operating Engineer occupations nor will they be tested on such knowledge.
Applicants wishing to better prepare for the examination can review algebra and geometry reference materials and basic mathematical skills that include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, length, area, volume measurement, decimals, and fractions.
References and training material can usually be found in a local, public library. An excellent reference is “Mathematics made Simple” (6th edition) by Thomas Cusick.
Examination Locations
Southern California Surveyors JAC conducts examinations in Southern California. The location varies determined on number of applicants being tested. Applicants will be notified by mail/email as to the exact date, time, and location of their scheduled examinations.
Examination Procedures
Examinations will be conducted in a standardized format to ensure all candidates are provided equivalent testing environments, e.g., testing materials, instructions, examination room accommodations, etc.
Applicants must be present at the examination site at their scheduled times. Failure to appear at a scheduled examination may be cause for rejection from the application process. The dress code for the entrance examinations is casual. Applicants must bring government-issued photo identification to the examination site.
Examination Rules
All applicants who attend an entrance examination must acknowledge that they understand and will comply with the following rules:
- No packages, books, scratch paper, PDA devices, recorders, cameras, and/or other material will be allowed in the examination area. All cell phones and beepers must be turned off. Calculators are allowed during the examination. Note: Cell phones cannot be used as calculators.
- The examinations are secure documents and are the property of the Southern California Surveyors Joint Apprenticeship Committee. No part of the Examinations may be copied or reproduced in part or in whole by any means, including memorization.
- None of the examinations, or other documents associated with the examinations, can be removed from the immediate examination area.
- Applicants participating in any irregularity during an examination, such as giving or obtaining unauthorized aid or information, will be subject to immediate dismissal from the examination area with their examination(s) subsequently declared invalid.
- Applicants will confirm by their signature on the Examination Site Roster that they have read and understand the above statements.
Applicants will be notified by email the date and location of the scheduled exam.
Yes, a government issued photo ID and an approved calculator.
Applicants are provided 2 hours to complete the 50 multiple-choice questions on the exam.